How Are Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke-Related?
Hypertension, heart disease, and stroke are all related as they share common risk factors and are part of a broader group of cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension is a significant risk factor for both heart disease and stroke. They are also known as comorbid. In summary, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke are closely related, and managing high …
How Are Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke-Related?Read More
How To Stop Tooth Pain Fast
Introduction to Tooth Pain: Tooth pain is a type of affliction that is caused by a variety of dental issues. It can range from temperate to extreme and can be induced by tooth decay, gum disease, a cracked or broken tooth, exposed tooth roots, an abscessed tooth, or a loose or infected filling. Sufferers can …
What is a chronic pain disorder that affects muscles?
What is chronic pain? Chronic pain is pain that can stay for over four months. The pain could be present all the time, or it might come and go. It can occur anywhere in your body. Chronic pain can interfere with one's daily activities, such as social life, studying, working, and caring for yourself or …
What is a chronic pain disorder that affects muscles?Read More
How to sleep faster?
You must have heard, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book. ” This means that if you want to be healthy, it is essential to have a sound sleep faster. There are some people who cannot sleep easily, their mind is focused somewhere else. There are people …
How long does the common cold last?
Introduction of cold Colds are an allergy or viral infection of your upper respiratory tract, which includes your throat & nose. Like the average cold, head colds are distinct from chest colds, which might damage your lower airways and lungs and cause chest congestion and mucous coughing. A cold can deplete your vitality and leave …
What is POTS disease?
What is POTS disease? The full form of POTS is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. POTS is a blood circulation disorder caused by two factors: A particular group of symptoms typically happen when standing upright. A heart rate increase of at least 30 beats per minute in adult people, or at least 40 beats per minute …
What causes lower abdominal pain in females?
Do you experience pain in the abdominal area, but it does not quite feel like your stomach? The abdomen could be divided into four quadrants. The lower left quadrant of the abdomen contains the descending, transverse, and sigmoid sections of your colon, the ureter of the left kidney, part of your small intestine, and the …
What level of Eosinophils Indicates Cancer?
What are Eosinophils? Eosinophils are white blood cells that play an essential role in the body's immune system. They are part of a group of white blood cells known as granulocytes, including basophils and neutrophils. Eosinophils fight off certain types of infections, such as parasitic and fungal infections. They are also involved in allergic reactions …
How to get diagnosed with ADHD?
What is ADHD? The neurological disorder known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) impairs a person’s capacity for sustained attention. It also disbalances concentration and controls impulsive behaviors. ADHD is most often diagnosed in childhood and can continue into adulthood. According to estimates, 11% of children in the U.S. between the ages of 4 and …
How To Cope With Anxiety?
How To Cope With Anxiety Disorder? It is natural to have nervousness from time to time. People suffering from anxiety disorders face anxiety and panic attacks daily. These emotions are harmful if they interfere with your quality of life and restrict you from functioning normally. There are strategies you might employ if you suffer from …